- Matt Trout's extremely enthusiastic and informative talks
- David Cross workshop on Modern Web Apps in PERL
- DBIx::Class for Beginners by Leo Lepworth (http://leo.cuckoo.org/)
- Perl6 Implementations (incl. Perl6 compilers written in Perl6.
- CGI.pm is outdated and now PSGI (specification) & Plack (implementation) is the way to do web development; use Plackup to do testing; use the Catalyst framework (for example); go to http://plackperl.org for info.
- Best book for Perl today is “Chromatics Modern Perl”
Stuff useful to me:
- Top books to learn from: “Learning Perl”, “Programming Perl” and “Perl Cookbook”.
- Lots of Perl stuff on http://www.enlightenedperl.org/ and perl.org
- Stuff I should learn about: Perlanet, Catalyst, Padre, Moose, DBIx:Class, cpanmin.us, freenode #perl, Template Toolkit
- Modules/Perl updates should all be easily available from CPAN
- David Doorwood (http://dorward.me.uk/) did a good lightening presentation on Testing. I will look him up because this is related to my line of work.
- There are Social Networking APIs available on CPAN such as Net::Twitter and App:Twitch
About Perl6:
- Perl6 is specification based but there is not yet a final consensus on the specification (it is still under development).
- You can write compilers for Perl6 in other languages other than Perl6
- You can run Perl6 in other runtime engines other than Perl6, such as implementations of Perl5 and Lisp. The leading implementation is Rakudo
- You can lean about compilers in the Parot Compiler Toolkit
- You can get free training in Perl6 by going to Perl6.org
- Perl6 as a language is good for writing compilers.